
It's Not Brain Surgery

by Ernesto Gutierrez, MD

I help subject matter experts monetize their skills and experience so they can design a business aligned with their true life goals.

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[NBS] Implementing Lifestyle Design Is Easier Than You Think

Most people misunderstand lifestyle design. They think it’s about making millions of dollars and living a lavish lifestyle. But that’s not it. Allow me to illustrate with a brief story. A few years ago I realized I didn’t like the whole 5am wake-up just so I could get some quality work in before the rest of the world –or my kids!– woke up. I did it, but never really enjoyed it. Heck, I do my best work late at night anyway. So when I sat down to design my perfect days, I decided I wanted to...

7 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader! What’s the difference between an expert who just has an idea and one who does start building a lifestyle business? I have coached dozens of highly skilled individuals –doctors, lawyers, coaches, designers. And every single one of them has had at least one idea for an online course, an ebook, a podcast, or a membership site. By the time we talk, they have read blogs, watched YouTube videos, and even bought courses teaching them how to do it. Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, they...

14 days ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader! I’ve heard from some of you telling me you've started something on the side but you just can’t get it to a point of profitability. And yes, some are losing money. Others are breaking even, and a few are even making a little money. But none of them are making enough to consider it a real “lifestyle business”. So this week I’ll share what I’ve learned about getting your “lifestyle business” to profitability and sustainability. Let’s dive in! Building a successful lifestyle business...

21 days ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader, This week I want to talk about why so many programs or courses don’t work. The reason being courses teach you what worked for someone else while assuming it will also work for you. They even tell you as much: “the program works. You just need to follow the steps.” But have you ever purchased one of these programs and found yourself unable to follow the steps? I know I have. And it drove me crazy! “Ugh! Why can’t I just do x or y? Am I the problem?”. If you’ve ever wondered this...

28 days ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader! This week I am answering the most common question I get when talking to people about Lifestyle Businesses: “How can I start a lifestyle business if I can’t quit my job?” Which makes sense as most subject-matter experts I talk to are either the sole provider or the one contributing the most to their family income. So today I’m going to share with you the Top 3 ways subject-matter experts can start leveraging their expertise and start making money fast. And without quitting their...

about 1 month ago • 5 min read

Hey Reader! Welcome to the first edition of this new NBS. If you received my emails last week, you’ve already read about the new focus (lifestyle design), and why I’m so passionate about it. But most importantly, why I feel this new content will help you live a better life than what I had been sharing (admittedly on and off) in the newsletter prior. But if you didn’t see my emails from last week, you can read them here, here, and here. (And in case you’re just hearing about it for the first...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read
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