
It's Not Brain Surgery

[NBS] Implementing Lifestyle Design Is Easier Than You Think

Published 18 days ago • 1 min read

Most people misunderstand lifestyle design.

They think it’s about making millions of dollars and living a lavish lifestyle. But that’s not it. Allow me to illustrate with a brief story.

A few years ago I realized I didn’t like the whole 5am wake-up just so I could get some quality work in before the rest of the world –or my kids!– woke up.

I did it, but never really enjoyed it.

Heck, I do my best work late at night anyway. So when I sat down to design my perfect days, I decided I wanted to have no work obligations in the morning.

And so the question became, “How can I manage to only work and have client calls late into the night without having to work at a nightclub (or worse )?

Relocating to a completely different timezone is how I’m implementing lifestyle design.

You see, being time-shifted from my clients gives me back my mornings to do with them as I please.

Case in point, yesterday morning (Friday) I went for a walk, sat by the beach with my journal and drank a glass of freshly-squeezed Valencian orange juice (the best in the Mediterranean!). Then I came home and planned for the upcoming week (at noon) and had lunch with my wife. Then I went into the office for a 3-hour VIP “day” with one of my clients and his team. Then I wrapped up the week and came home by 8 pm.

Chances are you’re reading this thinking “that’s awful! I don’t want to work into the night!”

And THAT is EXACTLY what lifestyle design is about.

It’s not about adopting arbitrary metrics of success. It’s about figuring out what’s important to you, TODAY, and figuring out how to make it happen.

Think about it… are you living a life by your design or are you trying to live a life around your job?

It's Not Brain Surgery

by Ernesto Gutierrez, MD

I help subject matter experts monetize their skills and experience so they can design a business aligned with their true life goals.

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